We spoke about creating a Spiritual Fruit Basket this month, to fully understand each Fruit and what it means to cultivate them daily.  Plus-what a gift of JOY for the month of December! Here are 5 easy steps to creating your Fruit Basket. 

1-Create a Craving

    So often, we crave things that are not always good for us, at least not in large doses. We try to ignore or suppress our craving before it takes over rational thinking and we lose all control. Fortunately, the Fruit of the Spirit is 100% good for us and everyone around us. We can’t get enough! We need more Fruit! We can increase our hunger for Spiritual Fruit by meditating on each Fruit individually, indulging in the Fruit daily, even hourly. Tasting and seeing stirs our hunger for more!

    2-Invite others

      Face it, we all love to eat together and Fruit Baskets are made for sharing. So, invite your friends & family to join in making a Spiritual Fruit Basket this holiday season. It’s free and everyone can participate. When you see your children showing Kindness, your husband sharing Patience or your mother being Gentle, you will see that Spiritual Fruit looks good on everyone. Great for the family Christmas photo!   

      3-Take Fruit to go

        Fruit is naturally good for eating on the go. The same is true for Spiritual Fruit. It travels well and is always welcome. Guaranteed you will need it – for the wait in line, slow traffic, frustrating boss, lonely co-worker.

        4-Plant seeds

          All Fruit starts from a seed. For more Fruit, we need to plant the seeds. Not all seeds planted will produce Fruit, so we must plant abundantly. Everywhere you go, plant seeds of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, GENTLENESS, FAITHFULNESS & SELF-CONTROL  

          5-Ask for MORE

            Scripture says, you have not because you ask not. The Holy Spirit produces the Fruit and there’s no limit. He gives freely. All we have to do is ask.


            If you haven't already downloaded our December Fruit Basket Project, head to Free downloads and select the project calendar and examples (2 downloads). Watch Instagram and Facebook for tips throughout the month! 

            December 05, 2020 — Leann Maxwell-Muir


            Papa said:

            I like the Christmas Photo idea!

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