Surprise! You’re a teacher! 

Are you one of the many parents who’ve suddenly, without a choice or voice in the matter, been assigned the job of at-home teacher? Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Wondering if you’re up to the task? Perhaps you’re still muddling through it all, trying to figure out exactly what you’re supposed to be doing and how you’re supposed to be doing it. After all, this wasn’t your idea. Who came up with this idea of children being schooled by their parents anyway? 

Well, you may feel comfort in knowing that this was God’s plan all along. Your children are a gift from God. He has entrusted them to you, which means you’ve been hand-picked as the one responsible for educating and equipping your child for life. This should not come as a surprise. 

After all, no one knows your child better than you. 

You know your kids better than anyone else in the world. You know their special talents and their biggest challenges. You know how they process information. You know their limits, their needs and their temperament! Think back to a time when your child was struggling at school. Was the problem just the subject matter or lesson? Chances are, it was more. Most often, kids struggle with learning when they are struggling with life. They could be challenged with self-esteem, feeling rejected or judged by other kids in the class.  You probably wished you could go to school with them so you could encourage them and help them work through everything. Most likely you wished the teacher better understood your child, so they could be more helpful to them. 

Well, your wish has come true. You’re the teacher now and you will be there to help your child through every challenge - academic, physical, emotional or spiritual.

This new at-home teaching job might be the perfect opportunity for you to unite and empower your family with a new message that sounds something like - We can do this. You are worth the extra effort. We’re in this together. We are strong. God is in all things, working them together for our good. With Him, we will get through this and we will be better for it.   

Come on mom and dad, let’s seize this moment and use it for good!

Creating and using a planner for the family is a great way to bring school and family life together, get everyone on the same page, create awareness of others and share a common goal. A Spiritual Seeds Planner is perfect for helping families learn to work and grow together by focusing on the Fruit of the Spirit. Plus, the undated planner can be started anytime. 

Start by scheduling family time to rally the troops. Share your new enthusiasm, love for your family and your role as parent and teacher. Introduce the planner as a place for the family to grow together. Secret for success – use stickers! Kids of all ages love stickers – I’m old and I know. Stickers inspire creativity, recognize efforts and bring a playful element to the process. As a family, choose a fruit for the month. We recommend starting with LOVE. We haven’t met a family yet, that couldn’t benefit from a little more LOVE. Together, talk about what LOVE looks like and brainstorm ideas for ways to show LOVE. Each day, check in with everyone to share your stories. Encourage the kids to try catching someone showing LOVE. Reward them with a sticker! Have fun learning how to lift each other up and encourage one another. I’m betting you will discover you’re the best teacher your child has ever had. If you’re willing, they may teach you a thing or two too. 

Bonus! Right now you can buy an undated Spiritual Seeds Planner and get a Sticker Book for FREE!

Proverbs 22:6 (AMP)

Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old he will not depart from it. 

October 31, 2020 — Leann Maxwell-Muir

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