What are you packing for 2021?
What do we take from 2020 to 2021? What will we need in 2021?
This last year has been hard in so many ways. I think it’s fair to say 2020 brought on more challenges and changes than anyone could have imagined, one thing leading to another. Everyone seemed to be impacted in a different way and to a different degree. It started slow but continued to grow. For some time, we simply didn’t know what to do. There was an overwhelming chorus of people saying, “When is this going to be over?” or “I just want to get back to normal”. As time passed, the hope of returning to normal faded away.
Recently, a new chorus sounding something like, “I’m over this” and “I’m so ready to move forward” has emerged. We’re ready for things to be different. We want something new, something better, something good. This is where God wants us and perfect timing for the start of a new year.
Planning for a new year can be like planning for a trip. Like any other time we plan to go somewhere we need to pack, carefully considering where we’re going, what we will be doing, choosing what to bring along. We’ve all been told, we can’t bring everything and that’s a good thing. Some people pack light and others pack everything they can think of just in case they need it.
My husband is one to pack a lot, especially if we are going skiing. He has to bring goggles, gloves and clothes for every possible weather condition. If we’re flying, he’ll bring at least one pair of skis, two if he can get away with it. If we’re driving, look out. He will bring extra everything, just in case. He’s okay pulling a huge bag and bringing as many as allowed. I will admit, he comes prepared. However, much of it is simply not needed. It’s “baggage”. It weighs us down.
Sometimes we want to bring everything with us. It’s hard to let go of something or leave it behind. We rationalize, that we may need it or we will be lost without it. Understandable. That’s why there’s a valet and bag check; simply drop the bags you can’t manage to carry on your own and don’t worry about them. God offers to be our valet. He invites us to bring all our burdens to Him. He will carry them for us, so we can live freely.
Before rushing into 2021, take inventory. Perhaps 2020 has left you with some burdens such as disappointment or worry that are weighing you down. Maybe you’ve been carrying around some resentment or unforgiveness for far too long. This is a great time to check your bags! Give them to God to carry for you.
2021 Do not pack list:
Disappointment, worry, regret, fear, resentment, hopelessness, despair, anger, frustration, irritability, skepticism, suspicion, judgement, distrust, guilt, shame, discontentment, irritation, unforgiveness, envy, bitterness, blame, pride, grief, loneliness.
Move into 2021 expecting and planning for great things. Pack light. Check your bags and burdens or leave them behind. Bring an open heart to be filled throughout the year with what you truly need to live the life God has planned for you - LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, SELF-CONTROL. You will need these wherever you go. They won’t weigh you down. They will lift you up.
(Psalm 55:22) Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
Pam Resnik said:
Thank you for writing one of the best analysis I have read. Pack light allow room in your heart and in your life to experience exactly what you said love and light and joy and patience and gratitude and most of all healing to accept all what has happened and learn from the past year. Thank you !!
Kimberely S3 said:
Our god is tried of blood shedding
Greg said:
Lord may I pack light and allow you to carry my burdens that weigh me down. Praise goes to You!